Carlisle Postcards

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The last of the castle cards

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There are many cards featuring the castle, this is the last of the ones I consider to be interesting.

This is actually a store-room that doubled up as a prison when necessary. After the Rebellion (uprising if you are Scottish) of 1745 prisoners were brought back to Carlisle for trial, many were crowded into this chamber to await their fate. The writing on the card contains a couple of myths, one is 'The Licking Stone' being worn by prisoners tongues, the wear is actually iron deposits in the sandstone becoming exposed then expanding like rust and falling out. Because that wall is always damp they may have rubbed their hands on the wall and licked them for moisture thus enlarging the holes, but licked the walls, no. There is also no evidence that prisoners were shackled to the wall by the neck, the holes in the wall said to be for shackles were actually to support shelves, they may have been shackled together but that's another story.

A good drying day at the castle as the soldiers washing is hung out to dry over the ramparts, wonder if todays curator hangs his smalls out to dry in the same way. Posted 1908.

Are they off to the Cathedral? Probably about 1910. Note the two ladders on the keep, now just two windows this used to be an entrance to the keep.

I have included this one because the two wings to the tower have been demolished and the gates at the bottom of the steps are no longer there.

Not sure what the occasion is, may just have been a shortage of room in the barracks.

No date, possibly around 1910. Included because cards with a lot of soldiers on are not plentiful.

I wonder where they are off to?

A view along the ramparts about 1906-7. There are now no trees or bushes to be seen around the castle.

Lastly a view of the outer bailey pre 1919 as no excavations have taken part to uncover the half-moon battery. the well is protected by a fence.


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